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Integrative And Conventional Psychiatry Services








Telehealth and in-office psychiatry appointments in New Jersey

Our Commitment to You:

Through a compassionate, personalized, and collaborative approach; grounding itself in the mind, body, spirit-the process of healing becomes available. And yes, the beauty of resilience is ready to reveal itself in the this journey we call LIFE!

Your story matters and it is one of the most important keys to your healing. Your voice deserves to be heard!  

Treating adults AND kids…

Conventional Psychiatry

We are primarily an out of pocket provider providing integrative psychiatry services; however because we aim to make our services so personalized, we are able to provide conventional psychiatry services under select insurances including medication management. We also utilize lifestyle recommendations where we can to provide that extra integrative touch!


Holistic Integrative Psychiatry

Mental health wellness is so much more than taking a prescription medication. We look beyond the quick fixes. We are passionate about integrating holistic, functional, and eastern energetic approaches with western medicine to help you start to heal your mental health. Are you ready to take the next step?

Supportive Psychotherapy

Supportive psychotherapy with a twist of eastern energetic wisdom; including lifestyle coaching, energy work, mindfulness treatment modalities. If you've been itching to work with a psychiatry provider who truly gets you and your story and is committed to your healing-then you are at the right place

Standard & Extensive Functional Lab Options

We provide orders for standard labs and options for extensive functional lab work is available as well. Options for genetic testing are also available. *Please note integrative lab and genetic testing are not covered by insurance, however we go out of our way to utilize the most affordable test options working with Rupa Health.

Nutriceuticals & Supplements

Spiritual Musings utilizes a rooted- based philosophy working with evidence informed, as well as evidence based medicine. Each patient is unique in their needs and desires and we acommodate their nutriceutical and supplement needs accordingly.

Integrative Recommendations

Spiritual Musings Psychiatry specializes in providing support to individuals just like you—every day people desiring a more holistic approach to mental health wellness.

Mind body medicine is no joke and there is a lot of research behind it.

Oh hey there! I’m Mandy…

Working in healthcare for almost 20 years, studying integrative psychiatry, and being humbled to encounter so many special and helpful people in my own personal journey,  I’m so excited to share the treasury of pearls I’ve gathered to help overcome mental & emotional distortions so you can live a happy and meaningful life! I’m a Board Certified Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner with a practice based out of Pennington, New Jersey. I help all kinds of people just like you- children, teens, and adults: people who are capable of thriving, and just need a little support.

Our first visit will start with a safe and non-judgmental conversation with a focus on developing a treatment plan. Treatment plans may include traditional medication and/or complementary methods. Often I will also collaborate with other professionals that are caring for you. Your treatment plan will continue in follow up visits, reassessing goals and progress toward your personal healing. I am so looking forward to getting to know you and working with you as you continue your journey in the healing of you!

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started."

- Mark Twain